Apple has been developing a blood pressure monitoring feature for its popular smartwatch, the Apple Watch, for several years, with hopes to introduce it in 2024. While the feature was initially planned for release this year, it has been delayed, and is now expected to launch as early as next year.
Rather than providing precise diastolic and systolic measurements, the feature will track blood pressure trends—whether it’s rising or falling—and alert users when hypertension is detected. Upon receiving such a notification, users will be encouraged to consult with a healthcare professional for further testing and confirmation.
Hypertension, often referred to as the “silent killer,” frequently goes undiagnosed until it causes significant health problems. The condition typically exhibits few symptoms until it reaches a dangerous level, potentially leading to severe complications or even death. Apple’s new feature aims to help users monitor their blood pressure proactively, possibly preventing the harmful effects of undiagnosed hypertension.
This much-anticipated addition is likely to be included in the Apple Watch Ultra 3, although the exact timeline for its release remains unclear.