The Apple Watch Ultra series, renowned for its rugged design and advanced features, is set to receive significant upgrades later this year with the release of the Apple Watch Ultra 3. Though the 2023 model received a few updates, this new version promises exciting enhancements aimed at health, connectivity, and outdoor adventure enthusiasts. Here are three standout features expected in the Ultra 3:
1. High Blood Pressure Detection
Apple is continuing to expand its health-focused features, and this year, it’s adding high blood pressure detection to the Apple Watch Ultra 3. The feature will operate similarly to the sleep apnea detection, notifying users if they may be experiencing hypertension. While it won’t provide precise readings like systolic and diastolic levels, this alert will help users stay informed about potential health risks. This feature has reportedly been in development for several years and is expected to be a key addition in 2025.
2. Satellite Messaging Without an iPhone
Apple Watch Ultra has always been geared towards outdoor enthusiasts, and with the Ultra 3, Apple is pushing that focus further. A new satellite messaging feature will allow users to send text messages even when they’re off the grid, without needing a cellular or Wi-Fi connection. This will work via Globalstar Inc.’s satellite network, making it easier for adventurers and explorers to communicate in remote areas. While iPhone users have already enjoyed satellite messaging, this will be the first time it’s available on the Apple Watch, making the Ultra 3 an even more appealing option for those looking to disconnect from their phones while staying safe.
3. 5G Connectivity for the First Time
The Apple Watch Ultra 3 will be the first in the series to feature 5G connectivity, offering a significant upgrade in terms of speed and connectivity. The 5G Redcap technology, a more power-efficient version of 5G, will ensure that users can take advantage of faster speeds without draining the Watch’s battery. This addition brings the Ultra 3 closer to the full functionality of an iPhone, ensuring seamless connectivity for users even when they’re away from a traditional Wi-Fi or cellular network.
Final Thoughts
The Apple Watch Ultra 3 is set to arrive in the fall, and with these new features, it promises to be an even more versatile option for those who need a smartwatch that can handle extreme environments. With health monitoring features, satellite messaging, and improved connectivity, the Ultra 3 is shaping up to be the ultimate device for adventurers. While battery life improvements are still a hopeful request from many, these updates suggest that the Apple Watch Ultra 3 will be worth the wait for outdoor enthusiasts and tech aficionados alike.