Apple is reportedly making significant updates to its product lineup for 2025, with exciting new features expected for the Apple Watch, AirTags, and AirPods. According to a recent Bloomberg report, the Apple Watch Ultra, set for a 2025 release, will maintain its existing design but will introduce satellite connectivity, enhancing its emergency capabilities.
Apple Watch Ultra Updates
The rumored satellite feature for the Apple Watch Ultra will likely work similarly to the Emergency SOS via Satellite introduced with the iPhone 14. This would allow users to send brief text messages to first responders in situations where there is no cellular coverage. Along with satellite connectivity, the Apple Watch Ultra is expected to incorporate 5G RedCap (Reduced Capacity) network access. This lightweight version of 5G will be more power-efficient and suitable for wearables like the Apple Watch, which have limited battery life and don’t require constant 5G connectivity.
Additionally, both the Apple Watch Ultra and Series 11 are said to receive high blood pressure detection features, providing more comprehensive health tracking. While the Apple Watch Ultra will get exclusive 5G and satellite capabilities, the Series 11 will also benefit from the new health features.
AirTags and AirPods Updates
AirTags, Apple’s popular item tracking device, are rumored to undergo a redesign, with significant improvements to range and location tracking. Although details remain scarce, these upgrades will likely make AirTags more reliable and effective for tracking personal items over longer distances.
AirPods are also expected to receive health-related enhancements, including heart-rate monitoring and potentially other sensors, such as temperature measurement. These health data will be integrated into an updated Health app, which may include AI-powered coaching services, offering personalized health and fitness advice.
Design Changes for Apple Watch SE
While there are no major visual changes expected for the Apple Watch Ultra 3 or Series 11, the Apple Watch SE may see a redesign. This will likely offer a fresh look for the more affordable model, complementing the other updates in the range.
Overall, 2025 seems set to bring significant improvements to Apple’s wearable lineup, further integrating health features and enhancing connectivity options for a more seamless and functional user experience.