Apple is expected to launch the Apple Watch SE 3 in September 2025 with a refreshed design, marking a significant departure from the previous models. According to Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, the SE 3 will feature a “new look,” potentially incorporating a plastic body, similar to the iPhone 5C. This could lead to a variety of vibrant colors, making the SE 3 a more visually striking option within the Apple Watch lineup.
New Design and Colour Options
The Apple Watch SE, which first debuted in 2020, shared its design with the 2018 Apple Watch Series 4. The SE 3, however, may adopt a more modern aesthetic, perhaps resembling the 2021 Apple Watch Series 7 or featuring a completely new design. Gurman has hinted that the SE 3 might embrace a plastic rear panel with an array of colors, offering users a more customizable and playful option compared to the premium models.
Features for Apple Watch SE 3 and Other Models
While the SE 3 will see significant design changes, the higher-end models, such as the Apple Watch Series 11 and Apple Watch Ultra 3, are expected to retain a similar appearance. However, they will introduce exciting new features, including satellite connectivity and 5G RedCap support for the Ultra 3. Both the Series 11 and Ultra 3 are also likely to include blood pressure detection, notifying users if they are at risk for hypertension, though specific readings may not be available initially.
Apple is also rumored to be working on AI-powered coaching services and an updated health app, with the potential release of AirPods featuring heart-rate monitoring. These updates will likely integrate into the broader Apple ecosystem, improving the health tracking experience across devices.
2025 is shaping up to be an exciting year for the Apple Watch lineup, with the SE 3’s new colorful design and health-centric innovations set to make a significant impact. Alongside the higher-end models, Apple is focusing on making its wearables more accessible and health-conscious, ensuring that there’s something for everyone in the upcoming range.